Shop CowParade
Visit the new, improved Shop CowParade. This is the official webstore of CowParade. Find over 250 cow figurines to brighten any room in your home. The perfect gift for lovers of art, design and cows, of course!
Each figurine is a replica of a life-size original masterpiece from a CowParade event. Over 100 events have been organized in cities such as Boston, Chicago, Dublin, Edinburgh, Fortaleza, Guadalajara, Houston, Kansas City, London, Milan, New York City, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Tokyo, Valenciennes, Warsaw and more.
Figurines are in three sizes: Museum Edition, Medium Cows and Mini Moos.
Design with CowParade
Shop CowParade for your living room, kitchen and other living spaces.

Vaca Floral
The Vaca Floral (Museum Edition). Bold, colorful. Perfect for a den, living room or bookcase. Shop Now.

Moogritte (Medium Size). A touch of whimsy in the pop art favorite. Shop Today!

The Moo Potter
The Moo Potter (Medium). Shop this kitchen favorite. From CowParade Houston!

The CowParade Puzzle
A 1000 piece puzzle. Over 20 cows featured in this masterpiece by Cobble Hill. Shop Today.